Monday, April 5, 2010

Back from Spring Break

We had a good first day back from break.

Imitation. We have a new body mapping routine for April, and the Lark did a great job following my movements. When they got too hard for him at one point, he just did his best and kept up with the little dance.

Comprehension and Mindfulness. We took a bike ride in the woods to visit a beaver lodge on a little pond. We actually saw a beaver swimming in the pond. We saw him go under and come up again briefly. The Lark was really watching and seemed fairly interested. As we headed over to the lodge, he said he wanted to go into the beaver house. I explained that we couldn't go in because the door was under water. The Lark thought about this for a minute and then said, "the beavers swim in their hosue." So he didn't just understand what I'd told him; he thought about it and pictured it.

Narrative/Mimesis. I tried using figures to act out a story. It's a true story that the Lark experienced first-hand and that he often asks me to tell him. He seemed interested when I was setting it up and acting it out, and when I offered him an opportunity to participate, he moved some figures from one "room" to another as part of the story. I'm going to try this again tomorrow with the same story. If he seems to get it and want to participate, I'll gradually add new elements to the story.

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About Me

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I am the Lark's mom and the director of the Gray School. It is my goal to help the Lark become an active and self-directed particpant in his culture and community.