Monday, March 15, 2010

Theory of Mind

Pretty good day today.

Narrative comprehension. We were reading "Bedtime for Frances." I photocopied the pictures and then made my own book with simplified text and story. The Lark really enjoyed the song Frances sings to herself when she's trying to fall asleep. It's an alphabet song, and I rewrote it to include some items that I thought the Lark would find amusing. We were reading it together, and when we got to "G is for Greg" (the Lark is a huge Wiggles fan and he loves Greg Wiggle), he looked at me with surprise and amusement. This was good first of all because it was social referencing (like, did you catch that?) and he was sharing his pleasure with me. But I think it also showed some theory of mind--or something like it. It showed that the Lark understands that there are things that we know about that aren't general knowledge for everyone else. At least I think it did.

Mindfulness. The Lark seems to be taking a little more ownership of getting dressed in the morning. And tonight he took some initiative in taking his medicine/vitamins. After dinner, I asked him to bring his pillminder over to the table. He brought it over and then, without any further prompting, asked me what day it was, found the Monday pm box, and took all his pills.

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I am the Lark's mom and the director of the Gray School. It is my goal to help the Lark become an active and self-directed particpant in his culture and community.