Thursday, October 28, 2010


For many years the Lark has been struggling with the concept of accidents. Until recently, if I accidentally bumped into him he would become angry. He couldn't understand that I hadn't meant to do it. But the other day we were singing together a little too exuberantly and we konked head. The Lark looked at me and said, "that was an accident." And he was not angry. Yesterday he spilled a bowl of rice on the floor. He looked at me with a sort of guilty expression and said, "it was an accident."

I think this is a really big step. It shows a developing awareness of his own and other people's intentions--and an ability to express that awareness. Now we'll try to explore the concept of being sorry.


About Me

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I am the Lark's mom and the director of the Gray School. It is my goal to help the Lark become an active and self-directed particpant in his culture and community.